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Change is here to stay

“Change” can be worse than a swear word sometimes in faith communities. People will usually change their cars every so many years, their computers to keep them up to date, change or move the furniture around their home. But for some, when it comes to church certain things have to be done as they have been for years. On the other hand some things are never to change for example, the word of God and all His teachings do not change as Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever, but things which are not really of biblical importance can at times have a stronger hold on us than His word and it can become a stumbling block rather than an opportunity to reach out to people with the message of hope.

In 2 Corinthians 3:18 we read ..

_And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image. _

There is a constant change which needs to happen in our lives in order for us to grow more and more like Jesus, reflecting His image. From the moment of conception, we are forever changing as we develop into adulthood. Without change we become stagnant, unproductive, and ineffective in our world. Change into His image is something we need to seek, desire, and strive for. For this we need His help, strength, and wisdom.

Pastor Sandro Schietroma